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SLIPPS European Patient Safety Conference

Northumbria University


Sharing Learning Practice to improve Patient Safety (SLIPPS)

European Patient Safety Conference - Free to Attend 

Showcasing: Innovative resources from student experience 


SLIPPS is an innovative education and research project co-funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union.

SLIPPS is responding to the challenge to improve European patient safety competence and education. Errors, mishaps and misunderstandings are common and around 1 in 10 patients suffer avoidable harm (WHO 2014). The majority of adverse care episodes and near misses are preventable (Vlayen et al 2012) and such incidents impact upon patients, their families, health care organisations, staff and students.

In health care programmes, learning takes place in both academic and work placement settings (Tella et al 2015 a,b,c 2016,Pearson et al 2009, 2010, Steven et al. 2014). When participating in clinical practice learning, student healthcare professionals may witness or be involved in patient safety incidents of varying degrees which are not always recognised, recorded or challenged (Pearson et al 2009, Steven et al 2014,  Kiesewetter et al 2014, Felstead 2013, Henneman et al. 2010). Thus as highlighted by the work of Tella et al (2015 a,b,c 2016) which prompted the SLIPPs project, a valuable source of information about patient safety incidents remains untapped and potential learning opportunities are lost.

Stronger collaboration is needed to improve the culture of safety in clinical teaching and learning settings (Tregunno et al. 2014) and to alleviate tensions between academic and work place contexts which may negatively impact upon student learning (Tella et al 2015 a,b,c 2016, Steven et al. 2014).

Given the potential impact of incidents on patients, staff and students it is important to develop:

  • tools and resources which assist students in: learning about types of patient safety incident; developing ‘resilience’; undertaking high quality research into patient safety incidents, safety culture and professional working
  • greater understanding of how witnessing or involvement in incidents influences students’ learning (and potentially future practice and culture)
  • greater understanding of patient safety incident diversity and frequency across professions, nations and health care systems

More information at

European Patient Safety Conference with national and international speakers

Keynote speaker: Dr Suzette Woodward  Sign up to Safety, National Director

Suzette Woodward is the National Director of the Sign up to Safety campaign, working for the Department of Health.  She is a former board director of the National Patient Safety Agency and NHS Resolution (formerly Litigation Authority) and has worked with the WHO and a number of ministries across the globe.

Further Information  

Conference Call for Abstracts

The conference is free to attend - Conference Registration 

Final Programme 


Event Details

Northumbria University
The Great Hall
Sutherland Building
Newcastle upon Tyne


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