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General Data Protection Regulations

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 set out  the rules which Northumbria University must follow when processing personal data.

As a Data Controller, the University must provide notification to the Information Commissioner’s Office on an annual basis. The notification is Institution wide and includes a list of the purposes for which all personal data is processed, the types of data being processed (data classes) and who the data relates to (data subjects). Northumbria University's Registration number is Z7674926

The University holds personal data for a wide range or people, including current and former staff and students, whose data we are committed to protecting, through clearly understanding what data we hold about them, how and why we processes it, and what we need to do to deliver the more compliance-based approach to data protection required under GDPR, with an emphasis on transparency, accountability and awareness, and giving more control of personal data back to the person it relates to. 

The University processes Personal Data in Line with our Data Protection Policy.

For information on what Personal Data we process in relation to different categories of Data Subjects, and the Legal basis for the processing, we have provided all of our Privacy Notices in one place.

If you would like to request a copy of any data held by the University about you, you may submit a Data Subject Access Request

These pages provide information on GDPR at Northumbria University, but if you require further information, please contact the Data Protection Officer  

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