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Incident Reporting

All Staff - First Aid - Serious injury or illness

Phone Security on 0191 227 3200 giving the location of Injured Person and details of the injury or illness. Security will contact the ambulance service and dispatch the nearest First Aider to the scene to assist.

Report the incident immediately to the Central Health & Safety Team on extension 0191 227 4100.

Minor injury or illness

Phone Security on 0191 227 3999 giving the location of the Injured Person and details of the injury or illness. Security will dispatch the nearest First Aider to the scene.

Complete the Incident Report Form and forward to the Central Health & Safety Team as within 24 hours.

First Aiders & Medical Professionals

Phone 9-999 and request an ambulance.  Ask a colleague to inform Security on extension 0191 227 3200 who will assist and meet the emergency services.

How to report an incident on campus


To report an Environmental, Potential Fire Hazard, Hazard or Near Miss, Incident or Injury, Sports Incident or Injury, you should telephone the Health and Safety office on 0191 227 4100 immediately for further support.

How to report a near miss on campus

The prevention and elimination of incidents, injuries can only be progressed by reporting them. Letting a near miss, unsafe act, unsafe condition, or dangerous occurrence go unreported, provides opportunity for a serious accident to occur.

To report a near miss please notify the Health and Safety team.

Remember a NEAR MISS is an actual event which could have caused injury or damage to people, the environment or plant and equipment but did not do so. Near Miss Examples: Something just misses you as you walk by, a handbrake fails and a vehicle rolls backwards hitting a bollard.

A HAZARD is something with the POTENTIAL to cause harm if not controlled or removed. Hazard Examples- a slippery or uneven surface, a sharp edge, a leaking drum, a damaged or missing machine guard. 

Personal details and Data Protection Act

Accident reports contain sensitive personal data. We have altered our reporting arrangements to comply with the Data Protection Act. As an employer, the University needs to know personal details about people who have been involved in accident, ill health and near misses that occur as a result of work, in order to comply with Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Act. In some cases, such incidents have to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The procedure described above is intended to gather necessary information so that a report can be made to the HSE if necessary, while limiting access to personal details.

Further Information

If an incident has occurred, and you are unsure whether you should report it or not, please contact the Health and Safety Office.

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