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The 2023 pay gap at a glance

A snapshot of Northumbria's 2023 pay gap reporting

Our pay gaps are reported as the difference between women and men, between Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff and White staff, and between Disabled staff and Non-Disabled staff. A positive number indicates a gap in favour of the comparator group (e.g. men’s median pay is higher than women’s) and a negative number indicates a gap in favour of the comparison group (e.g. women’s median pay is higher than men’s.) It is important to recognise that pay gaps are not the same as equal pay. The University has a fair and transparent job evaluation system that ensures equal pay for work of equal value.

For 2023, pay gaps for Northumbria University including Northumbria University Services Limited are:

 Pay Gap Median % Mean %
Gender 15.3 13.7
Ethnicity (White/BAME) -3.9 1.6
Disability 13.3 11.0

A graphic explaining what is equal pay and what a gender pay gap is, Northumbria's gender pay gap results over the last three years, the gender balance of the workforce in 2023 and how Northumbria is advancing women's careers through Athena Swan and A graphic explaining what horizontal and vertical segregation is as well as where at Northumbria do we see gender pay gaps in our workforceA graphic detailing disability and ethnicity pay gap over the last three years 

View the pay gap images above in an accessible format.

Benchmarking and Reporting

The University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) conducted a Pay Gaps survey in 2023, to enable benchmarking within the sector to understand areas of comparative success and areas for improvement. The benchmarking data compares Northumbria University to all HEIs who contributed to the survey, using 2022 data.

Northumbria University’s 2022 median Gender Pay Gap of 15.2% was greater than the sector median gap of 12.3% and the national median gap of 14.4%.. The median Ethnicity Pay Gap of -4.5% was less than the sector Ethnicity gap of 2.6% as reported by UCEA. There is no national benchmarking data for the Ethnicity Pay Gap, and no benchmarking data for the Disability Pay Gap at either sector or national levels.

More information about all of the University's pay gaps, including splits by academic and professional support staff, grade and pay quartile, over the last three years can be found in the following dashboards: 

See the written statement from Northumbria University Services Limited Director confirming the published information is accurate. 

Return to Main Pay Gap Reporting page.

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