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Charters and Frameworks

As part of the EDI Report 2023-24, learn about Northumbria's engagement with EDI charters and frameworks.

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Race Equality Charter

Aligned with our membership of the Race Equality Charter, we have continued our self-assessment activity and analysis of our quantitative and qualitative data to develop our Race Equality Action Plan. Colleagues (including those from our Race Equality Steering Group and Race Equality Consultative Group) and students (including current Sabbatical Officers) were invited to workshops and drop-in sessions to support the development of the action plan. The action plan, which will be implemented from September 2024, has four core themes, 1) embedding consideration of race equality to create a culture of belonging for all our community, 2) ensuring race equality is considered through policy and process development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, 3) ensuring racially equitable experiences across student access and success, and 4) increasing ethnic diversity across our workforce.

Poster with a white background and text in black with a blue and white table at the bottom of the page, followed by two QR codes

1. Race Equality at Northumbria poster

Athena Swan

Institutional Award

Work has progressed over the past year towards applying for Silver Athena Swan with a planned submission for March 2025.  During this time progress has been made in several key areas:

Several facilitated workshops have taken place to discuss our Gender Equality Ambitions, on the following themes: the Steering Group’s purpose; agreed ways of working; perceptions of current gender equality at Northumbria; perceptual positions on gender equality; potential priorities of each working group; proposed timelines; and themes for listening groups.

Listening groups have been held across the University to examine colleagues' experiences with Family-Friendly Support, Working Part-time/Flexibly, Career Development, tackling Unacceptable Behaviours, and the Academic Development Review Process. The feedback has been used to inform our Gender Equality Action Plan for the next five years.

Athena Swan Success for Research and Innovation Services (RIS)

Working with Advance HE, Northumbria participated in a trial to open out Athena Swan to professional support departments.  RIS is one of the first professional service departments in the UK to receive an Athena Swan award.  To achieve the award RIS undertook significant engagement with colleagues across the department, including a survey in December 2022 and follow up listening sessions in June 2023. The listening sessions illuminated several issues that were then developed into a draft action plan by the Departmental Self-Assessment Team utilising a ‘Theory of Change Approach’ at a workshop in July 2023. The action plan was reviewed and evolved further with input from RIS colleagues through development mornings, and workshops in October and November 2023.

Professor Caron Gentry, Senior Sponsor for advancing Gender Equality at Northumbria, said:  "I am delighted for the colleagues in RIS in achieving this Bronze Award, and I extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved. The willingness of RIS to participate in the trial with Advance HE is commendable, as it underscores our collective effort to explore the contributions of Professional Support departments in advancing gender equality. This achievement is fantastic and serves as a testament to the department's hard work and commitment to this agenda”.

Departmental Athena Swan Awards

Across the University, colleagues in Faculties and Departments have continued to progress actions in relation to Athena Swan, identifying priority areas, appointing work strand leads, holding listening groups and surveys. 

Poster with a yellow background  with various orange and yellow boxes housing text

2. Gender Equality at Northumbria poster

Disability Confident

In July 2023 Northumbria was awarded Disability Confident Leader status following work to advance Disability equality and improve support for disabled colleagues.  This year the Disability Equality Steering Group (DESG) held a planning workshop in June and committed to developing an action plan approach for disability equality work, which will be more ambitious than the work previously associated with the Disability Confident Leader award.  This will help to take a more structured approach to Disability Inclusion, raise the profile and purpose of DESG, leveraging a more strategic and whole of University approach and having parity with the work associated with Gender and Race therefore generating more impact.

Poster with purple background and a series of photos in black frames with a series of logos from various businesses

3. DFN Supported Internship poster

Voluntary Reporting Framework

All Disability Confident Leader organisations commit to fulfilling the requirements of the Voluntary Reporting Framework (VRF) on an annual basis.  The framework, aimed at large employers with over 250 employees, was developed by the government in partnership with large employers and expert partners (including leading charities) to support organisations to record and voluntarily report information on disability, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.  Our Report outlines the steps we take within our organisation so support the recruitment, retention and development of disabled people. 

Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality Project

Work has continued over the reporting period to address the focus areas of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, which is being used as a framework for our LGBTQ+ Inclusion work.  During the past year a review of HR policies has been undertaken for LGBTQ+ Inclusivity, Transgender Guidelines have been reviewed, updated and are out for consultation with the LGBTQ* Staff Network. Steps have been taken to increase the quality of LGBTQ+ staff data in our HR systems so we are more able to understand the workforce, their needs and representation in different areas of the business.

Other activities have included work around progressing ideas for external engagement, leadership, procurement and the recent changes to the LGBTQ* Staff Network.  A workshop involving the Steering Group members, and all EDI Department heads was scheduled to identify priority actions which will be reviewed by the Group and used to formulate a timeline for future work.

Poster with a white background with a series of progressive pride rainbow flags down either side with boxes of text

4. Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality Project poster

Student Inclusion

We have concentrated on fostering an inclusive environment where all students feel a sense of belonging. Our initiatives under this theme include: 

  • Continuation of the Student Inclusion Consultant Scheme
  • Transition Programme for Widening Participation Students
  • Presentation at the National Carers Alliance Conference 
  • EDI Focused PGCAP Sessions
  • Embed new process Under-18 Students Onboarding
  • Establish a Regional Student Voice Network 
  • Deliver Accessibility and Inclusion Training to Technical colleagues 

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