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Equality Impact Assessments

Equality legislation requires public authorities to conduct Equality Impact Assessments on policies and practices.

We are committed to promoting and monitoring fairness and equality of opportunity throughout our activities; for our staff, students, and anyone associated with the University (e.g., visitors, contractors and service providers). As part of this commitment, the University carries out Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) to consider the likely effects of our policies and practices on different groups protected from discrimination by the Equality Act.

Equality Impact Assessments are an essential part of the University’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion, ensuring we embed consideration of protected characteristics throughout all our decision-making, programmes, projects, policies and practices.

It protects the University from unconsciously discriminating against an individual or group, either directly or indirectly, and also enables us to be more proactive in improving the experiences and satisfaction of all students and staff.

For more information on EIAs, please contact the EDI team.

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