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Henrietta Aja

Career Path: Lecturer, Ebonyi State University
Location: Eboniyi State, Nigeria

I came from Ebonyi State, Nigeria. It has always been my dream to be a Teacher because it is one of the careers which enables one to make an impact in other people's lives and help them to achieve their visions and dreams. Upon graduating and moving into my chosen career field I have found that this career path also gives me the opportunity to study, research and develop myself further.

Where are you doing now?Applied Linguistics For Tesol Alumni Ajahenrietta Profileshowcase 255

I am currently a Lecturer at Ebonyi State University in Nigeria.

Who inspired you the most, and why?

Gerald Kelly inspired me most because he supervised my dissertation and encouraged me at every point.

Which skills/knowledge did you learn on your course that you use most now/throughout your career?

The skills I learnt at Northumbria included the ability to work under pressure, excellent communication skills, the ability to work as part of a team, good time management and the ability to associate with others from different backgrounds.

What did you enjoy most about your time at Northumbria University?

I enjoyed studying in the library mostly because the environment was so conducive to learning with current and relevant materials to equip scholars.

What advice would you give somebody who is thinking of studying at Northumbria?

I would advise anyone thinking of studying at Northumbria that it is the best place to study because the University has all it takes to make someone a good scholar.

How would you describe your time at Northumbria in three words?

It was great.


Profile reviewed October 2024

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