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Honorary Graduates

Northumbria University awards honorary degrees to individuals who have obtained the very highest standards of scholarship, outstanding achievement, or distinction worthy of national or international recognition in their academic or professional field.

They are also awarded to individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to the University in support of its mission. For example, through long and meritorious service, distinction far beyond the usual remit of their role, or through philanthropy in support of the University’s strategic objectives.

Our honorary graduates reflect the diversity of the regional, national, and international communities that the University serves and provide an example of ambition and achievement to the University’s students and graduands.

Michael Brodie CBE, Hon DSc
Roisin Currie Hon DCL
Robin Ferris Hon DCL
Dr Henry Kippin Hon DCL
Michelle Poole Hon DCL
Dr Nizam Razzaq Hon DCL
Jim Rowan Hon DSc
Cally Taylor Hon DLitt
Dr Caroline Theobald CBE, Hon DCL
John-Mark Williams Hon DCL

Clio Barnard Hon DLitt

Howard Catton Hon DSc

Jon Dutton OBE Hon DCL

Professor Sir Liam Donaldson Hon DSc

John Herdman Hon DSc

Baroness Joanna Shields OBE, Hon DSc

Dr Bothiana AlAnsari Hon DCL

Lady Black of Derwent DBE, Hon DCL

Tim Brown OBE, Hon DCL

Bernard Cornwell OBE, Hon DLitt

Professor David Croisdale-Appleby OBE, Hon DSc

Professor Saleemul Huq OBE Hon DSc (d)

Baroness Newlove of Warrington Hon DCL

Professor David Ormerod CBE, Hon DCL

Pat Ritchie CBE, Hon DCL

Chris Sayers Hon DCL

Moira Stewart CBE, Hon DLitt

Professor Andrew Wathey CBE, Hon DCL

Professor Sir Chris Whitty KBE, Hon DSc


Dr Tristram Hunt Hon DCL  

Professor Julia Yeomans Hon DSc  

Louise Trotter Hon DCL



The Rt Hon the Baroness Hale of Richmond DBE Hon DCL  

Professor Mary Beard OBE Hon DLitt  

Linda Speldewinde Hon DCL  

Wee Teng Woon Hon DCL

Tek Seng Woon Hon DCL  

Jonathan Ruffer Hon DCL  

David Olusoga OBE Hon DLitt


Adam Serfontein Hon DCL

Bea Campbell OBE, Hon DLitt

Professor Kevin Fenton Hon DSc

Right Honorable The Lord Mackay of Clashfern Hon DCL

Harry Christophers Hon DMus


Andrea Siodmok Hon DCL

Dr Arnab Basu MBE, Hon DSc

Jayne-Anne Gadhia Hon DCL

Dr Weerakoon A Wijewardena Hon DCL

Professor Dame Ann Dowling OM, DBE, Hon DSc


Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE, Hon DSc

Right Honourable the Lord Falconer of Thornton QC Hon DCL

George Clarke Hon DCL

Jeremy Paxman Hon DLitt

Sir Tim Clark KBE Hon DCL

Alexander Armstrong Hon DLitt

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE DL Hon DCL

Vera Baird QC Hon DCL

Baroness Howells of St David OBE Hon DCL

Brian Johnson Hon DMus

Max Roberts Hon DLitt

Ørnulf Opdahl Hon DCL

Professor David McQuoid-Mason Hon DCL

Professor Howard Thomas Hon DCL

Paul Collingwood MBE Hon DCL

Christopher Moore Hon DCL

Val McDermid, Hon DLitt

Her Grace Jane Percy, Duchess of Northumberland Hon DCL

Clarence Sarkodee-Adoo Hon DMus

Lord Walton of Detchant Hon DCL


Professor Sir Michael Marmot Hon.DSc

Gary FitzGerald Hon DSc

Catherine Hatch Hon DSc

Godfrey Worsdale Hon DCL

Bryan Talbot Hon DLitt

Sir Peter Carr CBE Hon DCL

Professor Mary Dunning Hon DCL

Lee Hall Hon DLitt


Sir Leonard Fenwick CBE Hon DSc

Bibiana Aido Almagro Hon DCL

Peter Millican Hon DLitt

Marshall Hall Hon DLitt

Lord Shipley of Gosforth OBE Hon DCL

Sir Michael Darrington Hon DCL

Trevor Mann Hon DSc

Sir Ian Wrigglesworth Hon DMus

Jim Beirne Hon DLitt

Lord Laming of Tewin Hon DCL

Dr Maggie Atkinson Hon DCL

Right Honourable Sir Alan Beith MP Hon DCL

Professor Kel Fidler Hon DCL

Fra’ Matthew Festing Hon.DD

Andrew Festing Hon DLitt

The Right Reverend Dr Tom Wright Hon DD

Martin Corry MBE Hon DCL    

Gavin Black Hon DCL  

Peter Allan OBE Hon DCL  

Gerald Ronson Hon DCL  

Professor Dong-Young Jang Hon DCL  

Shaun Michael Kearney Hon DCL  

Professor Steven Kyffin Hon DCL  

Dr Charles Modica Hon DCL




Professor Dame Christine Beasley DBE Hon DCL

Haydn Biddle Hon DCL

Andrew Dixon Hon DCL

Dr Angela Gallop Hon DCL

The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr John Sentamu Hon DCL

Dr Tony Trapp Hon DCL

Victoria Pendleton Hon DCL

Stephen Miller Hon DCL    

Kathryn Tickell Hon DCL

Conrad Dickinson Hon DCL

Professor Sir Miles Irving Hon DCL

Matron Hajjah Bibi Florina Abdullah Hon DCL

Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou Hon DCL

Karen Price OBE Hon DCL

Sir George Cox Hon DCL

John Clough MBE Hon DCL    

Dr Beverly Malone Hon DCL

Graeme Danby Hon DCL

Valerie Reid Hon DCL

Professor Thomas Albrecht Hon DCL

Jonathon Porritt Hon DCL

Nigel Sherlock Esq OBE Hon DCL

Professor Sir George Alberti Hon DCL

Professor Senga Bond Hon DCL

Professor Alan Maynard Hon DCL

Alan Shearer OBE Hon DCL

Dick Clement Hon DCL

Ian La Frenais Hon DCL



Professor Albert Aynsley-Green Hon DCL

Dr John Bridge Hon DCL

Tam Dalyell Hon DCL

Lord Mason of Barnsley Hon DCL (d)

Leo Finn Hon DCL

Max Mosley Hon DCL

Sir Michael Tomlinson CBE Hon DCL

George Davies Hon DCL

Sir Keith Povey QPM Hon DCL

Michael Neville MBE Hon DCL

Jonathan Wilkinson Hon DCL




Christopher Garnett Hon DCL

Hari Shukla OBE Hon DCL

John Squires OBE DL Hon DCL

Jonathan Edwards MBE CBE Hon DCL

Nicholas Baring CBE Hon DCL

Raymond Cole Hon DCL (d)

The Right Reverend Ambrose Griffiths OSB Hon DCL (d)




Alexey Mordashov Hon DCL  

Peter Horbury Hon DCL  

Stephen Cram MBE Hon DCL  

Sean O’Brien Hon DCL  

Lord Hunt of Tanworth CB KCB GCB Hon DCL (d)  

Iain Bain Hon DCL (d)  

Brendan Foster MBE Hon DCL




Dr Adam Hart-Davis Hon DCL

Lawrence Christensen CBE Hon DCL

Jane Wilson Hon DCL

Louise Wilson Hon DCL

George Gill CBE Hon DCL

James Alder Hon DCL (d)

Eric Robson Hon DCL

Peter McKendrick Hon DCL




Professor Sir Brian Fender CMG Hon DCL

Quentin Blake OBE Hon DCL

Eva Schloss Geiringer Hon DCL

Lord Stevens of Kirkwhelpington QPM Hon DCL

Bruce Oldfield Hon DCL




Graham Wylie Hon DCL  

Paul Polman Hon DCL  

Sir Donald Irvine CBE Hon DCL  

Jonathan Ive Hon DCL



James Graham OBE Hon DCL

Kamlesh Bahl CBE Hon DCL

Sir Nicholas Goodison Hon DCL

Professor Edward Wragg Hon DCL (d)

Sir Peter Bonfield Hon DCL

Sir Michael Latham Hon DCL  

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand Hon DCL

Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ali Abul Hassan bin Sulaiman Hon DCL (d)

Robson Green Hon DCL

Robert Andrew Hon DCL

Reay Atkinson Hon DCL (d)



The Right Reverend Alec Graham Hon DCL

Sir William Utting Hon DCL

Alan Plater Hon DCL (d)

Bridget Gubbins Hon MA  

Her Majesty, Queen Sonia Hon DCL

Professor Laing Barden CBE Hon DCL

Professor Martin Trow Hon DCL (d)

Sir Christian Bonington CBE Hon DCL

Kevin Whately Hon DCL

Mike Figgis Hon DCL

Toshihiro Hamano Hon DCL

Andrew Foster Hon DCL


Tony Blair Hon DCL

Jack Charlton Hon DCL

Norman Cornish Hon DCL (d)

Yvonne Moores Hon DCL

Joe Mills Hon MBA (d)



Katharine, Duchess of Kent Hon DCL

Melvyn Bragg Hon DCL

Dr Susan Hurley Hon DCL (d)

The Right Reverend David Jenkins Hon DCL

Sir Claus Moser Hon DCL (d)

Laurence Eilbeck Hon MA (d)

Irene Oxnard Hon MA


His Excellency Mr Hiroshi Kitamura Hon DCL  

Sir Ron Dearing Hon DCL (d)  

John Fenwick Hon DCL  

Brian Roycroft Hon MA (d)





Cardinal Basil Hume Hon LLD (d)

Her Grace, Elizabeth Percy, Duchess of Northumberland Hon DLitt (d)

Gordon Sumner (Sting) Hon DMus

Sir George Russell Hon DBA

Robin Birley Hon DLitt

Councillor Mrs Joan Lamb Hon MA

Lord Chief Justice Peter Taylor Hon LLD (d)









John Drew Hon MBA

The Lord Glenamara Hon DLitt (d)

Dorothy Blenkinsop Hon MSc

Dr Cyril Lipman Hon LLD (d)











Derek Webster MA 









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