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Isaac - Vaughan Oliver Graphic Design Scholarship recipient

Name: Isaac Parker 

Course: Graphic Design

Scholarship: Vaughan Oliver Graphic Design Scholarship 

What was it about Northumbria University that made you want to study here?

I chose Northumbria for the commendable course that they run for Graphic Design, it stood out over other universities due to the employability rate after the penultimate year. This was great as creative courses are competitive.

Did you face any barriers to Higher Education?

Throughout school I have struggled to find love in academia due to my dyslexia. University was daunting as I had struggled in other aspects but knew I could push my passion into a career.

What do you like about studying at Northumbria? 

My first year was difficult as Graphic Design is heavily inspired by studio contact and personable interaction. Throughout second and third year this has been a great influence on my grades and work through practical based briefs. My favourite part of my course has been the resilience it has built into my character outside of university. To present your work every week is daunting at first, however my presentation skills and relationship towards my works has positively improved due to consistency.

How were you awarded the scholarship, and what benefits has it provided?

This scholarship was introduced in my third year, through my semester 1 competition briefings. This was a 6 week project offered to the whole year as apart of my course. Myself and another classmate won the bursary due to our work on the project. The benefits of this scholarship has been a huge opportunity for job prospects post university. Our end of year shows will showcase the work and will be a great talking point to employers. This has also given me confidence in my work and career path.

What are your future goals?

I think this scholarship has reenforced my passion for design within music and has  shaped a career prospect that is integral to my love for Graphic Design and why I studied it at university. 

If you could give advice to somebody considering university, what would it be?

If you have a passion don’t be afraid to turn it into a career and not just a hobby. Building self confidence through university has helped secure this for me so I would say don’t think about it too much.




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