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Selected Publications

  • Dalkin S, Hardwick RJ, Haighton CA, Finch TL. Combining Realist approaches and Normalization Process Theory to understand implementation: a systematic review. Implementation Science Communications 2021:

  • Danks K, Shearn K, Dalkin SM, Fitzgerald M, Broom DR. Towards a common purpose: a theoretical model for a whole system approach to physical activity developed in South Tees Perspectives in Public Health 2021:

  • Dalkin S.M., Forster N., Hodgson P., Lhussier M., Carr S.M. (2020) Using Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS; NVivo) to assist in the complex process of realist theory generation, refinement and testing. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.

  • Dalkin S.M., Lhussier M., Kendall N., Atkinson J., Tolman S. (2020) Namaste Care in the home setting: Developing initial realist explanatory theories and uncovering unintended outcomes. BMJ Open 10:e033046. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033046 

  • Brown S, Dalkin SM, Bate A, Bradford R, Allen C, Brittain K, Clarke A, Hand A. Exploring and understanding the scope and value of the Parkinson’s nurse in the UK (The USP Project): a realist economic evaluation protocol. BMJ Open 2020:

  • Cooper, C., Lhussier, M., Carr, S. (2020). Blurring the Boundaries between Synthesis and Evaluation. A Customised Realist Evaluative Synthesis into Adolescent Risk Behaviour Prevention. Research Synthesis Methods, 11(3), pp.457-470.  

  • De Weger E, Van Vooren NJE, Wong G, Dalkin SM, Marchal B, Drewes HW, Baan CA. What’s a realist configuration? Deciding which causal configurations to use, how and why. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2020:

  • Redgate S, Potrac P, Boocock E, Dalkin SM, Realist evaluation of the Football Association’s Post Graduate Diploma (PG Dip) in Coach Development. Sport, Education and Society 2020:

  • Emmel N, Greenhalgh G, Manzano A, Monaghan M, Dalkin S. ‘Doing Realist evaluation, synthesis and research’ in ‘Doing Realist Research’ SAGE; London: 2018. 

  • Lhussier M, Dalkin SM, Hetherington, R. Community care for severally frail older people: Developing explanations of how, why and for whom it works. International Journal of Older People’s Nursing 2018:

  • Dalkin SM, Forster N, Hodgson P, Lhussier M, Philipson P, Carr SM. Exposing the impact of advice services on health: a realist evaluation. Health and Social Care in the Community 2018:

  • Brown S, Lhussier M, Dalkin SM, Eaton S. Care Planning: What Works, for Whom, and in What Circumstances? A Rapid Realist Review. Qualitative Health Research 2018:

  • Dalkin SM, Lhussier M, Jones A, Philipson P, Cunningham B. Open communication strategies between a triad of ‘experts’ facilitates death in usual place of residence: A realist evaluation. Palliative Medicine 2018:

  • Dalkin SM, Lhussier M, Williams L, Burton C, Rycroft-Malone J. Exploring the use of Soft Systems Methodology with realist approaches: A novel way to map programme complexity and develop and refine programme theory? Evaluation 2018:

  • Greenhalgh J, Gooding K, Dalkin S, Wright J, Valderas J, Black N. How do patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) support clinician-patient communication and patient care? A realist synthesis. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2018; 2(42):

  • Dalkin SM, Lhussier M, Atkinson J, Kendall N, Tolman S. What works, for whom and in which circumstances when implementing the Namaste advanced dementia care programme in the home setting? BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. 2017; 7(3): A351-A2. 

  • Forster N, Lhussier M, Dalkin S, Hodgson P, Carr S. Public health interventions targeting excluded groups: trust as a key factor for success. European Journal of Public Health 2017; 27(3) 

  • Greenhalgh G, Dalkin SM, Gibbons E, Wright J, Valderas J, Meads D, et al. How do aggregated patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) data stimulate health care improvement? A realist synthesis. Journal of Health Services, Research and Policy 2017:

  • Greenhalgh J, Dalkin SM, Gooding K, Gibbons E, Wright J, Meads D, et al. Functionality and feedback: a realist synthesis of the collation, interpretation and utilisation of patient-reported outcome measures data to improve patient care. NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (12/136 Research Led 08/12): 2017. 

  • Forster N, Dalkin SM, Lhussier M, Hodgson P, Carr S. Exposing the impact of advice services on health and inequalities: A realist evaluation protocol. BMJ Open. 2016;6(1).

  • Dalkin SM, Lhussier M, Philips P, Jones D, Cunningham B. Reducing inequalities in care for patients with non-malignant diseases – insights from a realist evaluation of an Integrated Palliative Care Pathway. Palliative Medicine. 2016;30(7).

  • Dalkin SM, Greenhalgh G, Jones D, Cunningham B, Lhussier M. What’s in a mechanism? Development of a key concept in realist evaluation. Implementation Science 2015;10*

  • Greenhalgh G, Pawson P, Wright J, Black N, Valderas J, Meads D, et al. Functionality and feedback: a protocol for a realist synthesis of the collation, interpretation and utilisation of PROMs data to improve patient care. BMJ Open. 2014;4(e005601).

  • Dalkin SM. The Realist Evaluation of a Palliative Integrated Care Pathway in Primary Care: What Works, For Whom and in What Circumstances? Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Northumbria University; 2014.

  • Dalkin SM, Jones D, Lhussier M, Cunningham B. Understanding integrated care pathways in palliative care using realist evaluation: a mixed methods study protocol. BMJ Open. 2012;2(e001533).

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