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At SWECW, we bring together from around the world academics, practitioners and students from education, social and health care to promote research, consultancy, teaching, training and public engagement. We work in partnership to understand issues of concern and improve education, services and experiences for people internationally.

The definition of Allied Health Professional’s (AHP) varies globally and AHPs work within a wide range of sectors. In the UK, the AHP Public Health Strategic Framework outlines the commitment to continue to embed disease prevention into all AHP roles and to support AHP leadership in public health. AHPs have recently become part of the PHE World Health Organisation Collaborating Centres for Public Health Nursing, Midwifery and AHPs. However, there is a need to understand the definition, similarities, and differences between AHPs in the UK and abroad, as well as to learn from and share work which focuses on preventing avoidable diseases, protecting health and promoting wellbeing and resilience. Given the exploratory nature of this project, a rapid scoping review methodology will be used, supplemented with primary evidence gathering via targeted conversations.

Funded by Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care (Formerly Public Health England). Collaborators: OHID



Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the neurodevelopmental disorder with the highest prevalence in childhood. Beyond symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness, it is linked to low educational attainment, low workforce participation, and low levels of well-being, making it a severe burden to individuals and society.  

Randomised controlled trials have shown that ADHD medication reduces symptoms, but its long-term effects on school performance are unclear. Children in Norway with ADHD who have learning problems also have the right to individual special education. Again, randomised control trials document the effectiveness of specific interventions in organised experimental settings, but population-based observational studies could not show clear positive effects of individual special education. The combined effects of medication and individual special education remain unknown. Hence, identifying treatment approaches that improve school performance of ADHD patients is an important challenge.  

The primary objective of this project, led by Professor Reinie Cordier is to estimate effects of pharmacological treatment and individual special education on school-performance of children ADHD. 

Project partners include the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Northumbria University, AHDH Poliklinikk at Vestfold Hospital Trust, Karolinska Institute and the University of Oslo. 

Principal Investigator: Lynette Shotton

In this project funded by the Burdett Trust for nursing, the focus is to explore the impact of the memory aide CHINS, which was developed by Lynette Shotton in 2010 and has since been used nationally and internationally in the education, training, and practice of health care professionals and by breastfeeding mothers. 

Dr. Lucy Currie currently has two articles submitted to the Journal of Girlhood Studies:

1. Shaping girls’ self-concept and future aspirations: views from teachers and students on the intersection of culture, economy and school curriculum. 

This research was conducted in 2021 in Zimbabwe in partnership with a Colleague who runs a Teachers MA Programme at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST).

2. Poverty, crowding, vulnerable girls and COVID 19: experiences from an informal settlement lockdown in Alexander, South Africa.

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