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Hoarding Research: Relevant Publications

Haighton, K., Caiazza, R., & Neave, N. “In an ideal world that would be a multiagency service because you need everybody’s expertise” Best practice for managing hoarding disorder: A qualitative investigation of existing procedures and practices. Under review, Health and Social Care.

Heffernan, T., Hamilton, C., & Neave, N. (2021). Compulsive shopping behaviour and executive dysfunction in young adults. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult.

Heffernan, T., Hamilton, C., & Neave, N. (2021). Self-reported memory and executive function in adult non-clinical hoarders. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult.

McKellar, K., Sillence, E., Neave, N., & Briggs, P. Digital accumulation behaviours and information management in the workplace: exploring the tensions between digital data hoarding practises, organisational culture and policy. Under review, Behaviour and Information Technology.

McKellar, K., Sillence, E., Briggs, P., & Neave, N. (2020). There’s more than one type of hoarder: collecting, managing, and hoarding digital data in the workplace. Interacting with Computers, 32: 209-220.  

Neave, N., Briggs, P., McKellar, K., & Sillence, E. (2019). Digital hoarding behaviours: implications for cybersecurity. In V. Benson & J. McAlaney (Ed’s) Emerging cyber threats and cognitive vulnerabilities, chapter 5, pp 77-95. Academic Press.

Neave, N., Caiazza, R., Hamilton, C., McInnes, L., Saxton, T.K., Deary, V., & Wood, M. (2017). The economic costs of hoarding behaviours in local authority/housing association tenants and private home owners in the north-east of England. Public Health, 148: 137-139.

Neave, N., Jackson, R., Saxton, T & Hönekopp, J. (2015). The influence of anthropomorphic tendencies on human hoarding behaviours. Personality and Individual Differences, 72: 214-219.

Neave, N., McKellar, K., Sillence, E., & Briggs, P. (2019) Digital hoarding behaviours: measurement and evaluation. Computers in Human Behavior, 96: 72-77.

Neave, N., Tyson, H., McInnes, L., & Hamilton, C. (2016). The role of attachment style and anthropomorphism in predicting hoarding behaviours in a non-clinical sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 99: 33-37. 

Sillence, E., Dawson, J.A., McKellar, K., & Neave, N. How do students manage their university based digital data: Strategies, accumulation difficulties and feelings of overload. Under review, British Journal of Educational Technology.

Sweeten, G., Sillence, E., & Neave, N. (2018). Digital hoarding behaviours: underlying motivations and potential negative consequences. Computers in Human Behavior, 85: 54-60.

Thorpe, S., Bolster, A., & Neave, N. (2019). Exploring aspects of the cognitive behavioural model of physical hoarding in relation to digital hoarding behaviours. Digital Health, 5: 1-8.

Wilkinson, J., Neave, N., King, H.M., Schoultz, M., & Bailey, C. Animal Hoarding Cases in England: Implications for Public Health Services. Under review, Frontiers in Public Health.

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