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Nursing leadership and management

Northumbria has developed a number of academic programmes specifically designed for qualified nurses who are looking to develop or continue a career in leadership and management within the healthcare sector. Training programmes can also be delivered to meet specific needs.

  • BSc (Hons) Nursing Science – a one year top-up for Registered Nurses who do not have a Bachelor’s degree, providing a stepping stone to Masters study. 
  • MSc Nursing and MSc Nursing Leadership – designed for registered nurses with a Bachelor degree who are seeking to take on a more senior role. The programme focuses on strengthening leadership abilities, skills in service improvement and dealing with challenges in terms of organisational culture, implementing change and managing staff performance.
  • PG Cert / PG Dip / MSc Education in Professional Practice - suitable for qualified nurses who are looking to develop themselves as a nurse educator or mentor.

Depending on their career aims and work role the following healthcare leadership programmes may also be relevant to nurses:

Case study: Esse (Yingzhi Cao)BSc (Hons) Nursing Science; MSc Nursing Leadership

“Now I am studying for the MSc Nursing Leadership. I want to become fully qualified in nursing and I think it will be a good preparation for leadership and nurse education roles in the future.”

Case Study:  Transforming Nurse Education and Healthcare Leadership in Egypt
Northumbria University has substantial experience of delivering training and curriculum packages to major clients in a number of countries. As part of an EU-funded programme to transform nurse education and healthcare leadership in Egypt, Northumbria assisted in developing a new nursing curriculum and delivering training for senior nursing staff in hospitals across Egypt as well as running staff development programmes for around 1,000 senior nurse teachers.  Healthcare leadership programmes were also delivered on our campus in Newcastle for more than 200 senior health officials including nurses and doctors.

Higher and Degree Apprenticeships

Higher and Degree Apprenticeships

At Northumbria University, our higher and degree apprenticeships are more than a learning programme; they are a partnership. We work with organisations to create courses that meet the demands of businesses.



CPD and Short Courses

Our Continual Professional Development (CPD) courses are designed to open up exciting new possibilities for individuals and organisations. By increasing skills and knowledge and introducing new ways of thinking and working we create impact in performance at all levels.

Is your business ready to take on tomorrow?


The world is changing faster than ever before. The future is there to be won by organisations who find ways to turn today’s possibilities into tomorrow’s competitive edge.

Latest News and Features

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Isabel Quinn and Kevin Murphy, Assistant Professors in Adult Nursing, Dr Claire Pryor, Assistant Professor in Adult Nursing and Pathway Lead for SPQ Adult Nursing and Leanne Hume, Northern Region Lead Nurse Independent Health and Social Care, RCN
Northumbria University team collecting their award at the Student Nursing Times ceremony.
From left to right: Natalie Winchester, Subject Lead Health and Social Care and Post-16 Raising Standard Leader at Bede Academy, Dr Julie Derbyshire – Director of Apprenticeships and Assistant Professor in Nursing at Northumbria University, Andrew Thelwell – Principal at Bede Academy, Professor Alison Machin, Head of Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health at Northumbria University and pupils from Bede Academy.
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