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Who Is.. Dr Julie Crawshaw

Dr Julie Crawshaw, Co-Investigator

At Northumbria University, Julie is based in the Department of Arts where she teaches into the MA Creative and Cultural Industries Management programme for which she has been Programme Leader. Before academia she worked in the arts field with particular interest in the role of art in community oriented and artist-led practice.

She has an undergraduate in Fine Art from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and anthropological PhD in Planning and Landscape (and MSc in Development Studes) from University of Manchester. Her work to date has been engaged with re-orienting the relationship between the discipline of art within the planning field. She has argued that art should be positioned as an inquiry process rather than object of study and that public art as a commissioning process should grasp the opportunity of the existing interdisciplinary collaboration and develop new commissioning paradigms which foreground habit as the language of practice rather than speech. She has published in leading social science journals and anthologies e.g. Sociologia Ruralis (including editing a special issue on art and rural planning), Journal of Rural Studies and The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. Her monograph titled Art Worlding: Planning Relations (2021) brings these contributions together and also argues for art school training as a research discipline. As a philosophy of practice, she writes with Classical Pragmatism. Before Northumbria she worked in research positions at Newcastle University and the University of Gothenburg and has been Research Fellow at Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway; and Arts Business and Science Fellow of Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart.

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