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Who Is.. Dr Heather Robson

Heather Robson - Co-InvestigatorDr Heather Robson is Head of the School of Design at Northumbria University and is institutional sponsor for Creative Fuse North East at Northumbria. She also leads the Northumbria, regional hub for the National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange. She is involved in a range of activity and practice-based research projects dealing with skills, enterprise and entrepreneurialism, cultural business support, start-up and development and graduate retention within the creative and cultural sector. Heather Robson is involved in a range of activity and practice-based

Dr Robson believes that design can make a positive and significant impact on the world and her vision for the school is to develop and share new ways of practising and thinking about design that will engender our graduates and partners with the knowledge, creative confidence and awareness they require in order to change the world for the better

Working in partnership, collaborating and engaging in the Region and beyond is at the heart of her work and central to teaching learning and research making a real difference to people, enterprises and communities.

Through Creative Fuse, she is working with colleagues to develop deeper understanding of, and opportunities for, knowledge exchange that brings new and novel creative approaches to organisations and networks.

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