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Northumbria School of Design, Arts and Creative Industries

The School of Design, Arts and Creative Industries brings together innovative, inter-disciplinary research and experiential education in pursuit of the betterment of people, place, cultures, and societies. Our fields of design, arts, and creative industries merge education, research, and external partnerships to meet the challenges of delivering social and environmental justice. 

Our programmes and research are defined by the way we collaborate with communities, industry, and external partners to inform curriculum development and contribute to wider society. Our partnerships and industry collaborations provide a rich platform for our research, experiential learning and ability to respond to sector needs. The industry standard skills and experience our graduates gain responds to the changing needs of employers and to the new employment opportunities. 

As a creative and critical School, we lead on responsible citizenship producing compassionate, transformative, and ethical graduates.  

Positioning equality, diversity, and inclusion at the centre of our programmes, our research community supports students and stakeholders to forge equitable futures through engaging with our past, present and future endeavours.  

In addition to our Newcastle campus, we have campuses in London and Amsterdam. We also deliver programmes with institutional partners in Singapore, Indonesia, and China.


Contact us

Head of School of Design, Arts and Creative Industries : Dr Julie Crawshaw

Deputy Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor: Dr Heather Robson 

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