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Careers Support

Whichever course you enrol on at Northumbria, we provide a careers support programme to assist you:

Information regarding these events is shown on the individual programme e-learning sites, together with notification of any placement/training contract opportunities. Each of the programme sites provide general careers information as well as focusing on course specific information. For example, the BPTC site includes sample pupillage interviews for you to watch and improve your interviewing technique.

If you are undecided as to which of the many types of legal work you would like to go into, we provide numerous sessions from practitioners explaining more about the type of work they do. So whether you are interested in commercial work, high street practice, legal aid work, in house or local authority practice you can come and find out more about the job and ask questions of experienced lawyers in the field. Local firms hold open evenings where students can attend their offices, participate in a range of skills sessions and gain a flavour of what they do.

Legal recruitment is a specialised area. We arrange talks by a range of employers and recruitment experts to explain how to navigate this process successfully. We provide guidance on completing applications for training contracts, vacation placements and pupillages (through the PACH system) as well as assisting you to prepare for interviews or typical assessment centre exercises.

All students have their own guidance tutor. You will have regular meetings with your guidance tutor and will be able to discuss with them your plans and application forms. Your guidance tutor keeps track of your progress, plans and interests through the year and will be able to write an informed and detailed reference for you if requested to do so.

We have extensive links with local and national firms and Chambers. Many of the teaching staff continue to practise and many more maintain links with the profession, with practitioners regularly contributing to the teaching sessions. You will be able to approach staff members who are up-to-date with the main issues facing legal practice and who have an extensive knowledge of the firms and Chambers you may be making applications to.

If you enrol on the LLB (Hons)/M Law, LPC or BPTC you will have the opportunity, as part of your course, to try out legal practice for real through the School's own legal practice - the Student Law Office. You will be advising and representing members of the public under the supervision of qualified members of staff and may even need to represent your client at court or tribunal.

When you are called for an interview we can offer you a practice interview geared to the sort of firm or pupillage you have applied to and offer feedback to help you improve your performance. This will give you the chance to refine your interview technique and see how you handle unexpected questions.

We work closely with the University Careers and Employment Team which provides specialist support in the form of up to date information and one-to-one advice. They can also check through CVs and applications and can provide samples of the sorts of tests routinely used in the selection process for legal work.

As well as specific sessions provided by employers we host a Law Fair in which local and national firms and Chambers are represented. It is a chance to find out more about a range of different firms and start networking. Exhibitors at our most recent fair included Allen & Overy, Ben Hoare Bell, Bond Dickinson, Broad Chare Chambers, David Gray Solicitors, Beecham Peacock, Irwin Mitchell, Ward Hadaway and Trinity Chambers. In addition to the Northumbria fair, Newcastle and Durham Universities also have law fairs that you are encouraged to attend.

We maintain a register of trainees and qualified solicitors and barristers who have volunteered to offer advice and support to Northumbria students considering legal careers.

When you have finished your course you can remain on our careers register and we will inform you of any vacancies we are notified of and any relevant careers events.

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The Queen's Anniversary Prize

The Queen presented Northumbria University, Newcastle, with the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for the outstanding community work of its Student Law Office.

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