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The Northumbria Law School Student Contribution Roll

The Contribution Roll is an annual honour roll to recognise outstanding student contributions to the life of the Law School.  Each year the School will make awards to reflect dedication and commitment by students to the Law School community. 

Who is eligible to be considered for the Contribution Roll?

All School of Law enrolled full time, part time, open / distance learning and research students are eligible. Staff who are employed by the University are not eligible.

What is the Contribution Roll nomination process?

1. Any Northumbria Law School student, support staff or academic staff may make a nomination. Self-nomination is permitted.

2. Nominations must be made in writing on the nomination form below. This may include a maximum 300 word summary of the contribution and up to two pieces of supporting evidence.

3. All nominations must be verified by an academic member of staff (e.g. Guidance Tutor, Director of Studies or Programme Leader) who has knowledge of the activities forming the basis of the nomination. You must obtain the staff member’s permission before submitting the application and complete the relevant staff member’s name on the form. The member of staff may be contacted during the review process.

4. Nominations must be received by the deadline, which is 5.00pm on 17/06/2024. Nominations received after the deadline will not be considered.

5. A short list of nominations will be drawn up by a sub-committee of the Law School Executive.

6. The judging panel will consider the short listed nominations and supporting evidence.

7. The winner(s) will be notified.

What are the criteria for the Contribution Roll?

Nominations will be judged on the basis of:

Excellent contribution to the life of the Law School

This may be evidenced in a wide number of ways, for example: 

  • Contribution to extra-curricular activities
  • Contribution to the School’s external relationships
  • Contribution to the School’s reputation within the university
  • Contribution to supporting fellow students
  • Contribution to innovation within the School
  • Contribution to collegiality and student engagement
  • Contribution to Law School social or sporting activities
  • Contribution to teaching and learning activities
Exceptionally, the panel may vary the eligibility rules or the criteria for the award.

Who makes up the judging panel?

The judging panel will be made up of the following:  

  • Head of Law
  • The Faculty Registrar or her nominee
  • An external member
  • An external student representative e.g. President of the Students Union or his / her nominee
The quorum of the judging panel will be 3 persons, at least one of which must be external to Northumbria Law School. No person may sit on the awards panel or otherwise be involved in the awards process if they are a nominee for an award. The decision of the judging panel is final.

What are the benefits of the Contribution Roll?

  • Formal recognition of valued contribution to the Law School community
  • Certificate signed by the Head of Law
  • Invitation to a special reception for successful nominees


Contribution Roll Nomination Form

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