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AACSB - Question and Answer

3206290As Europe’s only dual AACSB-accredited university, Northumbria University boasts strong links with the global elite of business schools, including the Muma business school of the University of South Florida.

Muma Marketing student, Erika Troconis, 26, from Venezuela, discusses the impact the accreditation has had on her studies, and how it will continue to help her in the future.


What helped you choose the course to study?

I was already a USF graduate and was familiar with the graduate programs in the Muma college of Business. I had majored in International Business and wanted to develop my career in in the marketing area.


Did you know about the AACSB accreditation when you applied and did it help you decide?

I knew about the accreditation before applying for my undergraduate degree. The fact that the university was accredited made me choose it first, compared to a non-accredited one.


What do you think of the accreditation? What does it add your education?

The accreditation is given to schools that demonstrate high quality standards in their programs. Graduating from a recognized business school will not only give me the necessary background to succeed in my field, but will also be valuable for my future employers.


What do you think are the benefits of an accredited course?

Accredited courses mean more in-depth classes, knowledgeable faculty and more engaged students.


How is the accreditation viewed at the university?

The university is proud of its accreditation because by having it there will be more engagement from students and other academic organizations. By being accredited, the school will be able to promote high quality educational programs to students.


What opportunities has the accreditation presented to you and/or your fellow students?

Employers value students from accredited institutions because they expect their educational background to be of higher quality. The accreditation has increased opportunities for students to obtain field internships and increased their employability in big companies.


Do you think it’s an important accreditation for the university to have, and if so, why?(i.e. do students perceive it as something that will increase their employability, etc?)

Having the accreditation will help the school become more competitive with its programs. This will increase the interest of students, locally and internationally. Having a diverse environment will attract a variety of employers and that will increase the chances for these students to become potential material for these organisations.

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