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Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy

This department encompasses all of our work across Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy within the Newcastle Business School.

Overview of department: 

The Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy brings together themes of entrepreneurship, innovation, international business, business strategy, and regional development. Our teaching is informed by strong connections with the region’s business community and by our world leading research across each subject area. It is a vibrant, internationally diverse, and inclusive department whose staff are passionate about creating an engaging student learning experience.

The department provides undergraduate and postgraduate courses across the themes of International Business Management, Entrepreneurship, and Tourism and Event Management and Hospitality.



Our undergraduate courses provide students with the opportunity to undertake a year’s placement after their second year and develop their professional skills in a real working environment. Students will also have the opportunity to study abroad, and foster new connections on an international level.

Students will receive an education that reflects the changing working environments and equip them with the ability to run their own business, join an SME, a non-profit organisation or join a large corporation. They will gain the skills and attributes to be entrepreneurial, innovative and creative, allowing them to succeed in graduate level employment.

In the department, our varied courses cover the subject groups of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, International Business, and Tourism & Events Management.


The Business School’s supportive research environment has seen colleagues publishing world-leading research in internationally-leading journals across: Entrepreneurship, innovation, International Business, technology management, tourism, regional development, and strategic management.

Within our research centre, EPIC, our staff work across a range of thematic programmes to bring together small teams that address key challenges. Research themes have included the concern for the roles played by institutions within regional and national innovation systems, and the effects of changes in the governance of higher education institutions.

Research undertaken by the department informs our teaching practice at all levels through case studies and specialised modules. EPIC also organises and supports specialised postgraduate teaching and CPD through the Business School.

Research in Tourism & Events Management

Colleagues in this subject area have many and varied interests, including the study of camper-vans, taxi’s and aeroplanes; museums and statues, bodies on beaches, festivals and the carnivalesque; bohemian place-making; rural tourism entrepreneurship, adventure tourism business practice and experience; traditional Norwegian foods, foraged food; people and pigeons, people and sheep, people and fish (and fishing).

Much of the research is underpinned with wider themes of place-making and philosophical explorations of global and local concerns centring upon developing healthy, inclusive societies and the responsible enhancement of space and place.



Knowledge Exchange

EIS will continue to build upon the School’s knowledge exchange that creates collaborative links at local, national and international levels. Our students are encouraged to engage with businesses across all areas through their work placements, study abroad opportunities, research and consultancy projects.

Within the Business School students will have the opportunity to work with the Business Clinic and help a wide range of businesses in their development.



Our orientation is international in everything we do. For example, our International Business programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels have a truly global focus. Similarly, our research on entrepreneurship, regional development and innovation systems sets regions and firms in their international contexts. Our student body is made up of people from all over the world as well as from the UK, which allows us to provide a local to global and global to local experience for all stakeholders. Furthermore, our research is published in the very best international scholarly journals which enhances our global reach and reputation.

To find out more click here.


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Watch our latest video on how our partnership with the Willan Charitable Trust is supporting student and graduate enterprise and entrepreneurship at Northumbria


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