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Research, Consultancy & Collaborations

Other DDN activities include links with emergency services and association with national and international bodies, particularly the United Nations or hosting bi-lateral links such as for example the Japan-UK Disaster Risk Reduction Study Programme.

Successful consultancy contracts to date have included multiple evaluations, impact, risk and environmental assessments, and capacity building for disaster or development programmes. These typically relate to disaster, health and poverty risk reduction, food and livelihood security, early warning, reconstruction, community association development, psychosocial programming or sustainable development more broadly. It has included contracts with DFID, UK Government Office for Science, Trocaire, World Bank, USAID, FAO, IFAD, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNDP, Governments of Mozambique, East Timor, Ghana, Angola, Ethiopia, Caucasus and Eastern Europe, Stockholm Environment Institute, Care, World Vision, Plan International, Mediae Trust, Save the Children, Agema, Agha Khan, Water Aid, GTZ, Mediae Trust, IFRC, Practical Action, Wageningen International, Family Health International, EuropeAid and EU funding bodies amongst others

The DDN facilitates the ongoing Dealing with Disasters (DwD) series of international conferences that have been running since 2006, hosting this alongside a range of further partner organisations. The DDN was the only UK academic based institution accredited to the process of the Hyogo Framework for Action since prior to its launch in 2005 by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and was actively involved in the steps towards its revision in 2015 in the form of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. 

Latest News and Features

Northumbria University News Spring 2025
An example of stromatolites investigated in the study found in the Cheshire Formation of the Belingwe greenstone belt, Zimbabwe. Photo credit: Professor Axel Hofmann
Professor Matt Baillie Smith speaking in Geneva at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
The Lit & Phil, Newcastle. Image by Sally Ann Norman
Prof Alister Scott giving evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee
In2Air study flats
a map showing areas of ice melt in Greenland

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