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Anwaral Abedin

Md. Anwaral Abedin is part of Faculty of Bangladesh Agricultural University. He maintains close affiliation with the DDN for collaborative activity including through a Commonwealth Intern Scholarship hosted by November November 2014 – February 2015. His specialisms are links between disaster reduction and his core specialisms in soil science, climate change and organic agriculture. Anwaral gained his PhD from Kyoto University in 2014 with which there are also close links.

David Alexander

Professor David Alexander is a Visiting Professor to the DDN and Northumbria University. He is Professor of Risk and Disaster Reduction at University College London. He has been actively engaged with staff working in this field at Northumbria since its early development and supports a number of world leading activities in disaster risk reduction. He is Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, and Editor of the Journal of Geography and Natural Disasters amongst others.

Ibrahim Almarzouqi

Ibrahim Almarzouqi is a PhD Candidate at Northumbria University and interested in Disaster Management and Environmental Sciences. Ibrahim is conducting a research about "An Analysis of Disaster Vulnerability in the United Arab Emirates". Ibrahim also has a practical experience in emergency and public safety since he is working in the same field at Abu Dhabi Police for several years.

Seraphim Alvanides

View Seraphims profile

Seema Ahmed

Seema is a Clinical Psychologist who initiated her career as a psychologist in hospital but also worked for the development and humanitarian sector in Pakistan. Currently she is a postgraduate researcher at doctorate level in the department of Geography. Her research contributes towards the existing academic and policy practice knowledge towards psychosocial wellbeing of adolescent girls and women in context of disaster and disaster resilience globally.

John Clayton

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David Cooke

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Gill Davidson

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Hugh Deeming

View Hughes profile

Maureen Fordham

View Maureens profile

Jane Entwistle

View Janes profile

Ross Edgeworth

Ross Edgeworth has over ten year’s professional experience in sustainable development practice and research. He has worked within areas of Africa, South Asia and Central America for non-governmental organisations delivering projects focussed on poverty reduction, as well as research (including a PhD) and consultancy in the fields of disaster reduction, health seeking behaviour, and community based management of infectious disease risks.

Idelia Ferdinand

Dr. Idelia Ferdinand is a graduate of Northumbria University with a PhD in Disaster Management and Sustainable Development. She has over 15 years’ experience teaching, lecturing and initiating community action plans in anticipation of disasters. She is currently working in the Education, Research, Information and Communications Technology Department, Ministry of Education (SVG) to integrate Disaster Risk Reduction into the Education Sector.

Marco Ferloni

Marco Ferloni has managed and coordinated humanitarian and developmental activities for international NGOs since 1994, initially from the headquarters in Europe and then in Montenegro, Uganda, Haiti and the occupied Palestinian territory. In 2011 he completed a post graduate degree in Disaster Management and Sustainable Development at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne. During his commitment in developing regions mainly as country representative of iNGOs, Marco had the opportunity to work on a variety of sectors like water and sanitation, food security, agriculture, child protection, non-food items, shelter, disaster preparedness & disaster risk reduction. Marco currently resides in Jerusalem.

Jane Gilbert

The early part of Jane’s career was spent as a Clinical Psychologist within Adult Mental Health Services in the UK. Subsequently she has worked as an independent consultant specializing in the design and delivery of workshops/training on psychological self care and mental health issues in cross cultural contexts, consultancy to INGOs, and the assessment and evaluation of mental health programmes. She has worked in the UK, The Gambia, Uganda, Lesotho, Ghana, Jordan, Liberia, Turkey and Gaza. Her particular interests include the effects of culture and language on personal identity, and the integration of different cultural understandings in training and mental health services. Publications and conference presentations –

Simon Griffiths

View Simons profile

Christine Hagar

Chris is Assistant Professor at the School of Library & Information Science, San Jose State University, USA. She holds a Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Dr. Hagar’s primary teaching and research interests are in the areas of crisis informatics.

Maitland Hyslop

Maitland is affiliated to the Disaster and Development Network at Northumbria University in a personal capacity and is Director of its Online Affiliate, DDC Online. He is CEO of Microdat Limited, a Director of Durham Consulting Group (a consulting spin out from five universities) and Director of Reiver Marketing Limited.

Janaka Jayawickrama

Janaka is an anthropologist who collaborates with disaster, conflict and uneven development affected communities in improving wellbeing. He conducts education, research and projects with communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Janaka is currently based at University of York.

Samantha Jones

View Samanthas profile

Jordanna Kitching

Jordanna is a former student of the BSc Geography undergraduate programme who has contributed to the development of the current Disaster and Development Network and scoping of its interconnections with natural hazards. Her main research interests include the management and mitigation of disasters related to seismic activity, with a particular focus on earthquake-induced rockfalls.

Richard Kotter

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Bernard Manyena

Dr Bernard Manyena is Deputy Director of Postgraduate Teaching at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, Manchester University. He completed his PhD at the University of Northumbria in 2009. He has been a core researcher at Northumbria University’s Disaster and Development Centre between 2004 and 2013 with ongoing collaboration with the Disaster and Development Network. Bernard's research interests are in disaster resilience, humanitarianism and sustainable development connections. The interests emanate from his wide experience in rural development within the developing world context, particularly in Africa and Asia covering countries like Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Mozambique, East Timor and Sri Lanka.

Evarist Mbakem

Evarist Mbakem is a Research Affiliate of the Disaster and Development Network, Northumbria University at Newcastle, United Kingdom. He completed his MSc in Disaster Management and Sustainable Development in 2003 in Northumbria University at Newcastle, and obtained his PhD in Displacement Livelihoods and Sustainable Development from the same University in 2008. His recent work includes a British Academy supported research programme – Disaster Livelihood and Food Security in Cameroon.

Mehdee Mohammad

Shaikh Mehdee Mohammad is a Deputy Director of Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogra, Bangladesh, and presently doing PhD on “Adaptation to Climate Change through DRR in Bangladesh” at Northumbria University. He took his BSc (Hons.) and first Masters in Geography & Environment from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh and second Masters in Disaster Management & Sustainable Development from Northumbria University.

Geoff O'Brien

Read Geoffs profile

Miriam Orcutt

Miriam is a medical doctor and a Visiting Research Fellow with the Public Health in Humanitarian Crises Group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She is passionate about improving health in humanitarian crises and her main areas of focus are refugee and international child health and protracted humanitarian crises. She has also developed an interested in humanitarian innovation through her work as a Research Associate at the Humanitarian Innovation Project, Oxford University. She is the Honorable Secretary for the Catastrophes and Conflict Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine and co-founder of the North East Global Health Network and the Junior Humanitarian Network.

Phil O'Keefe

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Norio Okada

Professor Norio Okada is a Visiting Professor to the DDN and Northumbria University. Norio Okada is currently Director of Institute for the Research of Disaster Area Reconstruction, and Professor of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University, Kobe-Sanda Campus, Japan. He is Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University and also adjunct professor of Kumamoto University, Japan. He is also the Elected Chair of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM) and one of the originators of Northumbria’s ongoing links with Japanese Institutions in the disasters reduction field.

Srinath Perera

View Srinaths profile

Kay Rogage

Dr Kay Rogage is a lecturer at Northumbria University who teaches on a range of software development related topics. Kay has recently completed a PhD project in the application of software simulation for emergency response planning strategies in the UK Gas Industry. Kay’s research is driven by the goal of enhancing emergency response planning activities through the application of software solutions. Her work draws upon software simulation, object oriented technologies, web technologies, mobile application design and interaction design.

Ruhizal Roosli

Dr. Ruhizal Roosli is a senior lecturer at the School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. He completed his Ph.D. in Housing Studies (Thesis: Managing Disasters in Malaysia; the Attitudes of Officials towards Compliance with the MNSC Directive 20) from Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom and an Advanced Diploma in Peace Operations and Crisis Management from Institute for International Political Studies (Milan, Italy) and International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo, Italy) amongst other qualifications. His main areas of research interest are housing studies and disaster management.

Victor Samwinga

View Victors profile

Ibrahim Shaw

View Ibrahims profile

Hideyuki Shiroshita

Dr Hideyuki Shiroshita is currently working at Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University in Japan. His area of expertise is disaster education. He has been involved in DDN (formerly DDC) since 2007 and has been carrying out Japan- UK Disaster Risk Reduction Study Programme under a strong link between Northumbria University and Japanese institutions.

Simon Taylor

Simon’s affinity with Northumbria University and the DDN stems from his MSc. studies In Disaster Management and Sustainable Development in 2009/10. Simon has over twenty years’ international NGO and United Nations (UN OCHA) experience in the management and coordination of humanitarian assistance programs in complex emergency and disaster response environments in Africa, Central, Southern and East Asia, the Balkans and the Middle East.

John Walsh

John Walsh is an Assistant Professor and the Assistant Director at the National Center for Emergency Preparedness at Vanderbilt University, US. He is a member of the National Emergency Services Coalition on Medical Preparedness and is chair of the International Association of Emergency Manager’s (IAEM) Emergency Services Caucus.

Sara Walsh

Before commencing her MSc in Disaster Management and Sustainable Development and PhD at Northumbria University, Sara worked in Canada for a local authority in the Cascadia earthquake region as an emergency planner. Her PhD is a comparative political study of DRR policy integration in India and Nepal.

Lalith Welamedage

Lalith is an academic researcher and development practitioner with 25 years of international experience.  He has a particular expertise and interest in socio-economic development in the context of developing countries (Global South) and lagging regions in developed countries (UK in particular) with a particular focus on policy and practice of industrial / enterprise development, enterprise education, and equality and diversity.

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