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Centre for Global Development Activities, Events and News

Here you can read news about the Centre for Global Development (CGD) activities and also access the biannual CGD Newsletters through the links below. If you would like to get in touch about the newsletters, please contact Dr Sarah Peck. You can also follow CGD updates on LinkedIn: NUGlobalDev and on X/Twitter: @NUGlobalDev

CLICK HERE to read and download the most recent CGD Newsletter Edition #4 (November 2024)

CLICK HERE to read and download the CGD Newsletter Edition #3 (May 2024)

CLICK HERE to read and download the CGD Newsletter Edition #2 (October 2023)

. CLICK HERE to read and download the CGD Newsletter Edition #1 (April 2023)

Professor Matt Baillie Smith speaking in Geneva at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. News

13 Feb 2025

Northumbria and IFRC strengthen collaboration to advance research on v...

Volunteers play critical roles in responding to th...

Volunteering builds inroads and supports communities. In this photo, UN Volunteers interview community members to assess basic health services in the rural areas of Rwanda. Copyright UNV, 2023 News

05 Dec 2024

Researchers selected to work with United Nations on flagship report

Northumbria University has been selected as the le...

The 2024 International Volunteer Cooperation Organisations (IVCO) conference was hosted by Northumbria University. News

08 Oct 2024

Leaders from volunteering agencies around the globe meet at Northumbri...

Over 140 delegates from more than 80 different org...

IVCO 2024 News

19 May 2024

Registrations now open for IVCO 2024 in Newcastle

Delegates can now register for the prestigious ann...

Dr Ana Laura Zavala Guillen News

08 May 2024

Royal Geographical Society honours Northumbria geographer

An Early Career Researcher from Northumbria Univer...

Professor Matt Baillie Smith and Sumana Banerjee with Dr Andrew Fleming News

06 Mar 2024

British Deputy High Commission hosts photography exhibition informed b...

The British Deputy High Commission in Kolkata, Ind...

IVCO conference 2024 News

05 Dec 2023

First university hosting of international volunteering conference high...

Northumbria University has been confirmed as the f...

Prof Katie Jenkins News

08 Mar 2023

How research elevates the voices of women who are marginalised

To mark International Women's Day, we’ve partnered...

International Volunteer Day 2022 News

01 Dec 2022

International Volunteer Day 2022

Monday 5 December is the United Nations’ (UN) Inte...

Peer researcher Evelia Quiñonez Bone takes visitors of the exhibition in Esmeraldas around some of the pictures created on the RECLAMA project, depicting gastronomy. News

13 Nov 2022

Research documents rich heritage of Afro-descendant women living in Ec...

Celebrating and sharing the lived history of Afro-...

Sahrawi women peacefully protesting the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara News

09 Nov 2022

Stories of strength – academic awarded prestigious Philip Leverhulme P...

The experiences of Sahrawi women peacefully protes...

Dr Cuthbert Tukundane. News

22 Jun 2022

RYVU: Meet Dr Cuthbert Tukundane, Uganda Martyrs University

Refugee Youth Volunteering Uganda (RYVU) is an int...

Dr Sarah Mills, Loughborough University News

19 Jun 2022

RYVU: Meet Dr Sarah Mills, Loughborough University

Refugee Youth Volunteering Uganda (RYVU) is an int...

Dr Robert Turyamureeba, Mbarara University of Science and Technology News

19 Jun 2022

RYVU: Meet Dr Robert Turyamureeba, Mbarara University of Science and T...

Refugee Youth Volunteering Uganda is an internatio...

Professor Matt Baillie Smith and Dr Bianca Fadel help install the exhibition of photographs taken by young refugees in Uganda as part of the RYVU project. News

16 Jun 2022

New research highlights young refugees' voices and experiences

Experts from Northumbria University have revealed...

Voluntary Service Overseas research project. Participatory mapping. News

07 Jun 2022

New research is first-ever study on "blended volunteering"

Running projects without international volunteers...

United Nations' International Volunteer Day 2021 thumbnail. News

03 Dec 2021

International Volunteer Day 2021

Sunday 5 December is the United Nations' Internati...

Volunteer activity in Burundi, East Africa, in 2018. Photo by Bianca Fadel. News

02 Dec 2021

Research Fellow Bianca Fadel: “The presence of local volunteers is oft...

The theme of this year’s United Nations’ Internati...

Image of Western Sahara News

01 Dec 2021

EXPERT COMMENT: Renewable energy is fuelling a forgotten conflict in A...


Focus group discussion in Tanzania during 2021 as part of Northumbria's research with VSO. Photo by Egidius Kamanyi. News

29 Nov 2021

Volunteering Together: Blending knowledge and skills for development

Volunteers with different backgrounds, skills and...

A woman transporting wood by boat in the Sundarbans, West Bengal. Increasingly violent weather events and rising sea levels are increasing pressure on natural resources, undermining ecosystems and livelihoods and forcing populations out of the deltas. News

08 Nov 2021

International research focuses on uniting minds and voices

Adapting to new ways of living and working while a...


24 Feb 2021

Northumbria research explores Afro-Ecuadorian women’s heritage


People tending to a road News

03 Dec 2020

International Volunteer Day 2020


map News

09 Sep 2020

Experiences of Covid-19 volunteers told through interactive map

The experiences of volunteers from the internation...

a close up of a man News

22 Apr 2020

Photography exhibition gives Peruvian women a voice

Research carried out by Dr Katy Jenkins, Associate...

a graffiti covered wall News

29 Oct 2019

The value of volunteering – exploring the experiences of young refugee...

The role and impact of volunteering on the lives o...

a group of people sitting at a table News

12 Jul 2019

Tackling global challenges at North East summit

International development experts from across th...

a man standing on a dirt road News

09 Feb 2018

Northumbria University, Newcastle, among recipients of £2.25m Universi...

Northumbria’s Centre for International Development...

a group of people sitting posing for the camera News

19 Jun 2018

Northumbria hosts Gender & Development anniversary event

Northumbria University’s Centre for International...

a close up of a light News

06 Jun 2018

Research boost for Centre for International Development following acad...

Jane Arnfield, Associate Professor and Director of...

a group of people sitting on a bench News

14 May 2018

EXPERT COMMENT: Refugees can actually create jobs for locals in growin...

The term “refugee” conjures up certain images; bed...

a group of people standing in front of a crowd News

03 May 2018

EXPERT COMMENT: Outrage at state violence puts Nicaragua’s president o...


a person standing on a dry grass field News

15 Apr 2019

New book tells of Saharawi and Equatoguinean women’s historical strugg...

Staff member Joanna Allan’s book Silenced Resistan...

a fabric surface News

20 Dec 2017

EXPERT COMMENT: Peruvian women reflect on mining and development in th...

Katy Jenkins, Associate Professor of International...

a group of people standing around a bag of luggage News

14 Dec 2017

Northumbria leading global debate on volunteers in conflicts and emerg...

A team of Northumbria University academics are pre...

a group of people walking down a street News

16 Nov 2017

Northumbria academic addresses global conference on humanitarian aid

Northumbria University’s Matt Baillie Smith is app...

a boat is docked next to a body of water News

31 Oct 2017

Northumbria University, Newcastle, academic shortlisted for prestigiou...

Northumbria University's International Development...

Soldier In Vietnam - Oliver Hensengerth - Web News

06 Sep 2016

EXPERT COMMENT: Vietnam is struggling to unite its Mekong neighbours a...

Oliver Hensengerth, Lecturer in Politics at Northu...

CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR SERIES 2019 - 2020 - Full seminar list also available here

Thursday 26th September 2019 – 16.00—17.15 (Lipman 231)

Dr Hamza Hamouchene - ‘Extractivism and Resistance in the Mahgreb’


Wednesday 23 October 2019 – 15.00– 17.00 (Sandyford 413)

Dr Lorenza Fontana – ‘In the Shadow of Recognition: Indigenous Rights and Ethnic Conflict in the Andes’


Wednesday 6 November 2019 – 15.00-17.00 (Sandyford 413)

Chris Millora – “Exploring the ‘limits’ of participatory development: An ethnography of volunteering practices of ‘vulnerable’ youths and adults in the Philippines”


Wednesday 4 December 2019 – 15.00-17.00 (Location to be confirmed)

Dr Camillo Boano– Title to be confirmed


Wednesday 22 January 2020 – 15.00-17.00 (Sandyford 413)

Professor Claire Taylor – ‘Web Presence and Symbolic Transformation in the work of the Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres’


Wednesday 12 February 2020 – 15.00-17.00 (Sandyford 413)

Dr Tom Goodfellow—Title to be confirmed


Wednesday 4 March 2020 – 15.00-17.00 (Sandyford 413)

 Dr Erin Jessee— 'Oral History in Conflict-Affected Settings: The Case of Rwanda'

International Migration and Inclusive Development in India

The relationship between international migration and development is now a key area of global, national and regional policy making and migration and development governance, as well as a focus of academic research. This is particularly the case in relation to India. Intense and increasing scrutiny and legislation is being applied to that which is transmitted ‘home’ by Indian diasporic communities living abroad. India is famously the largest foreign remittance receiving country in the world. However, it is increasingly recognised that the Indian international migration-development nexus goes well beyond remittances to encompass transnational financial investments, philanthropy, skills, ideas and knowledge transfer, as well as cultural, religious and political transactions. While dominant discourses within academic and policy discussions tend to celebrate the progressive relationship between Indian migrant transnationalism, this British Academy-funded project is informed by a number of recent academic studies which emphasize the complexity and ambiguity, and call for more nuanced analyses, of the Indian international migration-development nexus. Migrant transnationalism can exacerbate and create social differentiation and inequality within India, undermining inclusive development while simultaneously promoting economic development for some. It is important to examine the impact of Indian transnationalism, with the effects upon those who do not migrate being especially important. This project aims to serve as a catalyst for a series of interrelated discussions, research projects and publications dedicated to: (1) the Indian international migration-development nexus beyond remittances – to include philanthropy, knowledge, skills and social capital transfer, as well as political, cultural and religious transnationalism – and across transnational space, encompassing those who migrate and those who do not; (2) the relationship between international migration and major forms of intersecting social differentiation and inequality in India – based upon caste, gender, class, religion and region; (3) previously under-explored, but nonetheless crucial issues pertaining to the relationship between international migration and inclusive development in India, such as climate change, land financialization and conversion, changing forms of governance in relation to labour mobility and skills, changing forms of inter-generational transfer, patrimony and inheritance.

The above project is focussed around a series of four workshops, the details of which are listed below. All the workshops are free events. Refreshments and lunch will be provided at each of them. Some limited funding to support the travel costs of postgraduate students and early career researchers may be available. If you are interested in either presenting a paper or attending any of these workshops, please email to reserve a place.


Workshop 1: Gender, Migration and Development in India

Saturday 3rd November 2018 10am-3.30pm

Room 4426, Russell Square Main College Building, SOAS


 ‘Migration, Protection and Safety: The moral economy of girls’/women’s education in Punjab, India’. Dr. Navtej Purewal, South Asia Institute, SOAS, UK

‘Gender, Migration and Development: Evidence from the Kerala Migration Survey’. Professor S.I. Rajan, Centre for Development Studies, Kerala, India

‘Asymmetrical Therapeutic Mobilities: Masculine advantage in nurse migration from India’. Professor Margaret Walton-Roberts, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada

‘An Expanding Regulative Infrastructure ?  State policy mediations and migration of nurses from India’. Dr. V.J. Varghese, University of Hyderabad, India and University of Edinburgh, UK

 ‘Gendering International Student Migration: an Indian case study’. Dr. Gunjan Sondhi, The Open University, UK

This is a FREE event. Refreshments and lunch will be available. Some limited funding to support the travel costs of postgraduate students and early career researchers may be available. If you are interested in either presenting a paper or attending please email stephen.a.taylor@northumbria to reserve a place


Workshop 2: Indian Transnationalism, Caste and Regional Inequality

Tuesday 13th November 2018 10am-4.30pm

Centre for International Development, Student Skills Centre 1, Main Campus Library, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne


 ‘Dalit Overseas Migration and Inclusive Development: Punjab and Kerala’. Professor Steve Taylor, Northumbria University, UK and Professor S.I. Rajan, Centre for Development Studies, Kerala, India

‘Mapping Caste Abroad: Emerging Configurations of Diasporic Punjabi Dalit/Ravidassia Identity’. Professor Ronki Ram, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

‘The Migration-Development Nexus, Inequality and Communal Politics in Gujarat’. Dr. Sanderien Verstappen, Leiden University, The Netherlands

‘Remembering and/or Forgetting Caste: Can international migrants choose ?’. Professor Meena Dhanda, University of Wolverhampton, UK

‘International Migration as a Diversification Strategy amongst Jat Farmers in Indian Punjab’. Dr. Shreya Sinha, Cambridge University, UK

‘Dalit Architecture: Regional particularisms in a global context’. Professor Pramod Kumar, Institute for Development and Communication, Chandigarh, India

‘NRIs and Transnational Linkages: The Amaravati Project’. Professor Carol Upadhya, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India

This is a FREE event. Refreshments and lunch will be available. Some limited funding to support the travel costs of postgraduate students and early career researchers may be available. If you are interested in either presenting a paper or attending please email stephen.a.taylor@northumbria to reserve a place


Workshop 3: Labour and Skill Mobility From and to India: Contemporary Practice and Governance

Friday 16th November 2018 10am-4pm

Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex


Workshop 4: Climate Change, Indian Transnationalism and Development

Tuesday 27th November 2018 10am-4pm

International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai

These are FREE events. Refreshments and lunch will be available. Some limited funding to support the travel costs of postgraduate students and early career researchers may be available. If you are interested in either presenting a paper or attending please email stephen.a.taylor@northumbria to reserve a place


CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR SERIES 2018 - 2019 - Full seminar list also available here

Gender, (im)mobility and citizenship in a refugee women's driving programme in Aotearoa New Zealand 

Wednesday 19th September 2018, 3 - 5pm, Squires Building 211.

Associate Professor Sara Kindon and Ph.D. candidate Amber Kale from the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.


Migration and Development: The Kerala Experience

Wednesday 10th October 2018, 3 - 5pm, Squires Building 211.

Professor S.I. Rajan, Chair of the Research Unit on International Migration at the Centre for Development Studies, Kerala, India


'Nobody could say our heart was not in the right place'. The Labour Party and overseas development at the end of empire.

Wednesday 23rd January 2019, 4 - 6pm Sandyford Building Room 303

Dr. Charlotte Riley, Lecturer in Twentieth Century British History at the University of Southampton.

Wednesday 27 March 2019, 3—5pm (Lipman 303)


Dr Fayez Mahamid, Dr Kefah Barham, Dr Rabeh Morrar; Centre for International Development, Northumbria University — ‘Contemporary Research on Palestine’.

Wednesday 1 May, 3-5pm (Lipman 303) Dr Regina Hansda, Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University — Title tbc.

Wednesday 15 May 2019, 3—5pm (Ellison A 001)


Professor Giorgia Dona, Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging, University of East London— ‘The architecture of a global system of protection and the Global Compact on Refugees ‘.

Wednesday 15 May 2019, 3-5pm (Ellison A 001)


Dr Joseph Lawson, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University — ‘Not Sharing the Machine: Pro-Elite Agricultural Mechanization in Development in Anti-Communist Asia, 1945-1980’ . Wednesday 22nd May, 3-5pm (Ellison A 001)


Dr. Sofia Zaragocin, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecudaor - Doing decolonial feminist geography in Latin America". Thursday 23rd May 2019 (Ellison A 001). 


May 2019 List of Seminars 


The politics of international cooperation on transboundary rivers in Asia 

Monday, 8th February 2018, 12.30 – 2pm (Squires Building 211) Dr. Lei Xie, Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Centre at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Video presentation available to view here


Being an Activist (in the Northeast)

Monday 12th February 2018, 3 - 6pm (Room 204 Lipman Building), Rosie Hogg and Malcolm Reid (Greenpeace) and Alex Snowdon (Palestine Solidarity Campaign), Video presentation available to view here


Education inclusion as a border regime for mobile pastoralists in India and Ethiopia.

Wednesday 18th April, 3 – 5pm  (Room 204, Lipman Building). Professor Caroline Dyer from the School of Politics and International Studies at Leeds University will be speaking. Video presentation available to view here


 Cashless India, digital financial inclusion and development

Wednesday 13th June, 3 - 5pm (Room 204 Lipman Building). Dr. Philippa Williams from the School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London will be presenting based on a paper researched and written with Kavita Datta.


 PGR SEMINAR SERIES - Women Researchers in Development Studies: Gender, Activism and Global Citizenship Talks 

 "Locating the Individual in Collective Activism to Address Violence Against Women in Post Conflict Contexts".

Friday 4th May, 3 - 4.30pm (Room 212 Squires Annexe). Ph.D. student Kate Mukungu will be speaking. For more information on this talk please click here


"Understanding Global Citizenship in Practise"

Friday 18th May, 3 - 4.30pm (Room 212 Squires Annexe). Ph.D. student Madeleine Le Bourdon will be speaking. For more information on this talk please click here


"The Emotional Geographies of Protest and Activism in Contemporary Ukraine".

Friday 1st June, 3 - 4.30pm (Room 231 Lipman Building). Ph.D. student Inga Freimane will be speaking. For more information on this talk please click here


"Affected Women's Views on Change, Development and Alternatives: Large Scale Mining in the Northern Peruvian Andes".

Wednesday 6th June, 3 - 4.30pm (Room 231 Lipman Building). Ph.D. student Inge Boudewijn will be speaking. For more information on this talk please click here






Bringing our feminist values to development research, policy and practice: Celebrating 25 years of Gender and Development

Friday 11th May 2018, 10:30am - 6pm, Northumbria University London, 110 Middlesex St, London, E1 7HT

One-day symposium jointly organised by the Women and Development Study Group of the DSA and Gender and Development journal, and hosted by Northumbria’s Centre for International Development.

Postgraduate Study Open Afternoon

Tuesday 22nd May 2018, 3.00pm - 5.30pm, Lipman Building, Room 121, Northumbria University

Interested in developing the skills and expertise to succeed in International Development? Come along and meet our specialist teaching team and find out about exciting opportunities for full and part-time postgraduate study in September 2018.

For more information, click here.

The Intimacy Geopolitics of Indonesia’s Carbon Forests

Monday, 16th October 2017 – 1:00-2:00pm (Lipman 303)
Dr Peter Howson, Lecturer in Human Geography and Development, Northumbria University

The Political Effects of Occupation, Resistance and Research in the West Bank

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 – 1:00-2:00pm (Lipman 208) 
Dr Mark Griffiths, Research Fellow in Environmental and Global Justice, Northumbria University

UTSAAH Initiative - Uniting to Sustain and Assist Himalayan Communities: Opportunities for Engagement

Monday, 20th November 2017 – 1:00-2:00pm (Lipman 303) 
Dr Arun Harish, Co-Founder and Chairperson, UTSAAH Initiative

UTSAAH Initiative is a UK based charity and supports grass root charities, not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises and aspiring social entrepreneurs in the Himalayas through shared learning, fund raising and volunteering activities. The presentation will outline UTSAAH's objectives, its portfolio organisations in the Himalayas focusing on education, healthcare, enterprise and conservation activities and outline short and long-term volunteering opportunities for aspiring volunteers, researchers and staff.

Speaker: Dr Arun Harish, Co-Founder and Chairperson, UTSAAH Initiative. Arun grew up in Bangalore, India and has been living in Newcastle UK since 2002. He is passionate about the Himalayas and founded UTSAAH Initiative in March 2016. Arun is now driving UTSAAH’s sustainable and organic growth to deliver impact and is keen on making a tangible and intangible social change in the Himalayas.

In his day job, Arun is the Director of Strategic Marketing at CPI, a leading UK technology innovation centre based in the Northeast and holds a PhD in Medical Nanotechnologies from Newcastle University Medical School and an MBA from Warwick Business School.

Please contact Dr Oliver Hensengerth with any queries

Monday 15th February 2016 – 1:00-2:00pm (Lipman 208)

Abi Masefield, independent consultant, currently Asia Coordinator for the EU Nutrition Advisory Service

Making sense of food and nutrition security discourse within the international development agenda 

Monday 29th February 2016 – 12.00-1:00pm (SQ 211)

Megan McInnes, Global Witness

The role of the private sector in development: a case study of NGO advocacy and engagement with land grabbing agribusinesses in Southeast Asia

The talk will be delivered via Skype.

Monday 18th April 2016 – 12:30-1:30pm (SQ 211)

Dr Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti, Durham University

The angry earth: Wellbeing and extractive development in the Peruvian Amazon

Wednesday 20th April 2016 – 12:30-1:30pm (Lipman 208)

Dr Hugo Romero Toledo, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile

Ethnificating the people and the land: the emergence of a “new” indigenous geography in Chile

30th January 2014, Lipman Building 232
Naomi Goldsmith, independent consultant
“How Media NGOs are Using a Thematic Approach to International Development”

13th March 2014, Lipman Building 232
Dr Ishan Ashutosh, Northumbria University
“A Study of (Trans-)Nationalism: South Asian Diasporas and Post-colonial State Building

27th March 2014, 12:30-13:30, Lipman Building 231
Dr Oliver Hensengerth, Northumbria University
“Environmental norm diffusion? What happens to liberal environmental norms when they diffuse to authoritarian countries?”

1st May 2014, Lipman Building 231
Jane Arnfield, Northumbria University
“Transparency of Truth”

6th February 2013
Dr Emma Mawdsley, University of Cambridge
“A post-aid world? Paradigm shift in global development norms, institutions and governance”

17th April 2013
Dr Maureen Fordham, Northumbria University
“What’s gender got to do with it? The long path to recognition and implementation of gender and disaster linkages”

7th November 2013, 13:00-14:30
Dr Tanya Wyatt, Northumbria University
“Green crime and conflict: How Exploitation of the Environment is Funding Conflict”

12th December 2013
Tim Shilston, Northumbria University
“A Global Index for Democratic Policing” (jointly hosted with Centre for Offenders and Offending)

14th November 2012 (Lipman 232)
Dr Ajit Menon, Madras Institute for Development Studies
“Statemaking and Conflicting Claims to Resources in the Forested Landscape of Gudalur, The Nilgiris”

5th December 2012 (Lipman 232)
Dr Ishan Ashustosh, Northumbria University
“Between God and Bombs: South Asian Studies and the American Imagination”

Charity to Justice: Personal stories and political challenges. Lunchtime seminars with Christian Aid North East

Christian Aid North East and Northumbria Centre for International Development hold a series of lunchtime seminars exploring the relationship between charity and justice for individuals and charities.

Wednesday 27th February: Dr David Golding CBE
Development Coordinator of Make Poverty History North East, one of the country’s leading 
regional campaigning coalitions. David received his CBE for “services to the world poverty campaign” but what gives him the strength to battle with institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank? Has it made a difference?

Venue: Lipman Building 230, 12-1pm.

Wednesday 24th April and Wednesday 22nd May: Paul Brannen, Head of England – North and Central at Christian Aid and Convenor of their Campaign Group
Christian Aid’s main campaign is calling for tax justice and is aimed at tackling the scandal of tax dodging by some unscrupulous multinational companies, which is robbing poor countries of much need funds. Paul has previously worked for Toc H, the Anti-Apartheid Movement and the Labour Party. What are the political challenges facing campaigning? How have these changed over the year?
Venue: Lipman Building 121, 12-1pm.

Latest News and Features

An example of stromatolites investigated in the study found in the Cheshire Formation of the Belingwe greenstone belt, Zimbabwe. Photo credit: Professor Axel Hofmann
Professor Matt Baillie Smith speaking in Geneva at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
gettyimages/credit:quantic69 data server room
The Lit & Phil, Newcastle. Image by Sally Ann Norman
Prof Alister Scott giving evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee
In2Air study flats
a map showing areas of ice melt in Greenland
The UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM), based at Northumbria University, has been awarded over £400,000 by the European Space Agency to investigate tipping points in the Earth’s icy regions with a focus on the Antarctic. Photo by Professor Andrew Shepherd.

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