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Volunteering in Conflicts and Emergencies (ViCE)

The Volunteering in Conflicts and Emergencies (ViCE) Hub is led by the Swedish Red Cross in partnership with Northumbria’s Centre for Global Development. ViCE has also involved National Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies in Afghanistan, Honduras, Myanmar, South Sudan, Sudan and Ukraine.

Volunteers are key humanitarian actors in conflicts and emergencies. Yet we know very little about their experiences and needs, the challenges they face, and what can be done to support them. This gap in understanding means we are poorly equipped to protect, promote, and recognise volunteers working in conflict and emergency contexts.

The ViCE Hub aims to address this gap, increasing recognition, understanding and support of the key roles volunteers play in conflicts and emergencies. This includes research on the lived experiences of volunteers during crises, advocacy to improve recognition of volunteer needs, and training and support for organisations and bodies who engage volunteers in crises. To do this, the ViCE Hub brings together practitioners, volunteers and wider stakeholders to co-design research approaches and jointly develop responses to the challenges they face.

To find out more about the ViCE Hub visit the project's dedicated website.


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