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Computer Science and Digital Technologies

Computer Science and Digital Technologies at Northumbria University encompasses all or our work in computer science, games, animation and digital visual effects, computer forensics and security, network technology and website development.

Computer Science and Digital Technologies at Northumbria University encompasses all or our work in computer science, games, animation and digital visual effects, computer forensics and security, network technology and website development.

  • Computer Science is a flagship course with 95% student satisfaction in the National Student Survey (NSS 2014).
  • Flexible undergraduate courses with BSc (Hons), integrated Masters MComp and pathways in Computer Science, Computer Technology and Creative Computing.
  • Every course is professionally accredited from the British Computer Society (BCS) thereby enabling progression to Chartered status.
  • Sectorial Computer Science Employer Advisory Board including Accenture, Eutechnyx, Hewlett Packard, Nissan, Proctor & Gamble, Sage and Waterstons.
  • Growing department with 8 academic staff appointments since 2012.
  • Specialist research in Computer & Electronic Security Systems, Computational Intelligence and Computer Games & Visual Effects.
  • Excellent research with 58% of our outputs ranked world-leading or internationally excellent according to the latest UK wide research assessment exercise (REF2014, UoA11) making us the leading Modern University in the North East for research power.
  • Partner in the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Cyber Security Institute.
  • Funding from EPSRC, Qatar Science Foundation, Innovate UK and European Union Erasmus+ for research across the UK, EU and Asia.

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Dr Craig Warren is pictured with a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system manufactured by Sensors & Software. The gprMax software can be used to inform interpretations of GPR data from systems such as this.
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Higgs High-Performance Computing (HPC) Launch

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