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Top Budgeting Tips and Resources

By Jinan (Postgraduate Content Creator, Design MA)

So, the Cost-of-Living crisis is a thing now… And it can all be a bit stressful. However, there are lots of things Northumbria students can do to make it easier! Budgeting is important, and the good news is: it can be done without making you feel like you’re missing out on much. If you’re interested in finding out more about how to deal with your money, read on!

piggy bank on table

1. An Introduction to Budgeting:

As a student, I know what it feels like being scared to check your bank account, and trying to stay positive about money. The first step to being comfortable with your money is understanding what you’re spending on: how much do you spend on needs, verses wants, verses going out, etc? I like to track my spending by immediately writing the amount down in my phone’s Notes app. Then, I’ll put all that into an Excel file I make for each month. This helps me understand how much money is going where. From there, I’m able to judge how much money I need to spend, and how much I can save. Another helpful resource to use for planning a budget is Blackbullion: an online platform that helps students learn about all things related to money. This platform was really helpful for me, as it includes a budget calculator, and money-saving challenges!

Screenshot of Blackbullion Platform


Also – making a budget doesn’t mean you’re missing out on fun stuff. There are so many free to inexpensive things to do around Newcastle with your friends. Walks by the quayside, using your student discount at coffee shops and even taking the metro to Tynemouth are all great examples of that.

2. Cost of Living

As the cost-of-living crisis gets worse, it’s really helpful understanding what the university and students’ union can offer. As Northumbria students, we can get access to fast wi-fi, hot water, warm spaces, and microwaves on campus, each of which have helped me control my spending.

stack of gold coins

3. Additional Costs 

Make sure you count all additional student costs while tracking your spending. These are usually things you end up forgetting when trying to plan your budget, like subscriptions, monthly plans, society & gym memberships, field trips, and materials.

4. Debt

There are a number of resources that can help students understand and deal with debt, like: the National Debtline, The Money Advice Service, and the Money Saving Expert.

It’s helpful to know that you’re not alone in this struggle, and that there are always ways around it. We’re in this together!

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